Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just a lil' something
If you happen to be on holiday...or even a little free..take the time and read this book:
"Small Miracles Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday Life"
It makes for a really worthwhile read!
Gotta go, do my thing..I'm stuck with a PR job...yet again!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

With Hope in my heart..
I was watching an episode of 'MTV Made', in which this really HUGE (not-so-goodlooking) guy wanted to be crowned Prom King in his final year at high school. Now thats a really wild-dream..considering that he was: fat (373 pounds), not handsome, walked with a wierd bent of the legs and black...But still...with the help of the crew he managed to shed a great amount of wieght, get a decent girl and was crowned Prom King.
A fairytale ending..ain't it? Most of us innately desire that for ourselves....landing a dream-job and finding our soul-mate.

But fortunately or unfortunately things don't always shape up the way we want them to...I have this friend (Jess..may've mentioned her before) and she is subject to really bad luck with the boys!! From the time she was 15, this not-so-bad looking girl has been looking high and dry for 'the guy' she ain't desperate..just that Jess LOVES attention and what better than COOL DUDE arm candy??!! Just that a majority of the guys she has dated were either - not so good-looking or -empty headed-.....the guys Jess liked...were either - too shy - or -totally not into her-..I mean...the guy that she really liked was quite a cool dude. Just that he was seen with most girls save her :(..hahaha...and unfortunately..she had me for agony aunt...Now I'm not meant to dish advice on such stuff...coz I'm really not in tune with such stuff, I've some traits of a woman's rights activist and sometimes I tend to put stuff...a bit...unthinkingly...or should I say..bluntly...and thats just not for jilted lovers :P. So I may've poured Iodine over your wounds many a times pal..(sorry about that!)

But the whole point is...sometimes what we crave for and run after may not just be the thing for all honesty we're not living a reel dream on Music Television, entertaining people who want that kinda entertainment..are we? So I've been telling my pal to stop running after 'the boy'. He'll come if and when he has to. I've told myself the same thing many a times when I've faced failure or been upset about stuff I've done or gone through. Sometimes its best to let go...let God. Honestly.

'Faith is the mover of mountains and hope its inspiration' ...thats the one profound truth behind the achievements in our life. You just need to look closer.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

In retrospect..
A friend commented - "your latest post a"(see below)...basically she found it very tragic..hahaa...heya..don't worry..I'm No tragedy Queen don't worry:)

I've had my fair share of troubles...but usually the good moments have been more and better than the bad. Thank god for that. My post was just an attempt at expressing my life lesson of not getting yourself down when the times are bad. Thats it. But I appreciate your concern and feedback :))

So yeah..I hope ur fine with this explanation. Haha..a mini post dedicated to you (hahaa...U know who u are..!)

Meanwhile...I'm absolutely hooked on listening to music and viewing videos on You-tube and watching this real cool debating competition on CH5: The Arena. The topics are good, the participants competitive and I also quite like the judging panel...intelligent people and not to forget good-lookers i.e. Ashraf Safdar and Eunice Olsen ;) haha...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Of singed souls and damaged ego
One of the dangers, they say, of getting a heavy dose of anything is getting desensitised to it and I find it happens a lot these days. Most of us indulge in over-dosing..most of the time....

If a kid faces too much harassment, he/she gets acclimatised to it and it doesn't bother them too much. Same goes for bitching, violence, criticism....and hurt...Once you get hurt real bad...something breaks your heart...thats that...then you'll never again react like that to anything or anyone..ever again.

Perhaps, I can vouch for that....

I've this lil' bad habit of retrospecting about stuff when it passes and many-a-times I feel that I shouldn't have kept quiet and lived.. putting up with certain stuff. But I do. Its not that I'm too frail to voice out...its just that I just don't seem to care anymore. I got hurt real bad this once, very many years ago...and now most of these other things...seem small in comparison..all they can elicit is a few meaningless passing...and then they dissolve into nothing-ness and tears people....I should tell you (my loyal if not devout readers) are second nature to me. They are my way of reacting -immediately- to a very tense situation...and they trigger off my grey cells (honestly...I know this sounds whacky but its true).

What can I get...scorn, stabbed on the back, not having any friends, perhaps a tarnished thats enough to kill someone...but..hear me out...nothing can ever kill you save yourself...its when pieces of your soul are singed that you feel the pain...and honestly...the things above may damage your ego but can never really singe your soul....for all of the above come from society which in all my experience is perhaps the most fleeting of all things in life. Here today - gone tommorrow. It comes from people who dislike and have no respect for you...and you're playing to the tune of such peeps if stuff they say and do singes your cry a lil', perhaps turn a bit red in the face...and really it'll end there...

W.O.W: Love your friends and family, even though they may sometimes do and say stuff that irkes you and forget about the others....period.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Taking the home run
Growing up I've had a million different things that I've wanted from my life - from the reasonable to the absolutely ridiculous. A multitude of stars shining in my eyes and zillion different ambitions and it always has been...a win-some, lose-some situation.

It started off as a desire to become a princess (from one of those innumerable fairy tales), going on to a beauty queen (when I saw Miss World for the very first time), to a (believe it or not) Fashion designer (!!..gosh..probably I would have a brand catering to people who desire to make it on blackwell's!), a singer, to (in the later years) a doctor, a lawyer and finally a communications person when I landed up in NP Mass comm. As you can see I'm quite indecisive and prone to changing my mind - especially when it comes to big questions like 'what I want from my life?'

But watching this rather cute drama on Hallmark - Frankie and Hazel - made me realise something...what I want from life really...put aside all the other material to be happy..genuinely happy..without a trace of pretence and the fear of loosing it..I wanna take that final home-run and land in the place and situation meant for me. I don't wanna keep going from place to place, searching for something places unknown and people acquainted.

If only I could...but a million yesterdays and a zillion tommorrows shall go past before I reach that something...the places may be delectable or worth detest..the people sometimes good, sometimes bad and many-a-times ugly....but what I want and that which I'm looking for is that something undescribable yet thrilling when you get close to it - true happiness.

And so the search Robert Frost once put it:
'The woods are lovely, dark and deep..but I have miles to go and promises to keep'
Its time to say good-bye and forget all that descended upon me. Its time for redemption. Its time to move on..I can sense it...and for once I feel I may just want it....maybe..but will it bring me happiness? Only time can tell...


Sunday, February 18, 2007

And it goes on...
Just back from a week (approximately) in as this may sound, everyone is totally fagged except me..(usually the order is reversed). So..I'm here blogging.. while my entire family is deep asleep - the eternal slumber of the tired mind and aching body:P

To confess, eventhough Bali is a beautiful place with lotsa cheap shopping and sight seeing...I couldn't enjoy it as much, because on the very first day I fell sick and sickness persisted till nearly the end :( Nevertheless, I still managed to see quite a few of its breath-taking sights..and soak in the serenity of its beaches and the picturesque sunsets, so thats good. in Bali is (I confess) not my style - too much bargaining. There is hardly a concept of FIXED PRICE...and people can haggle and get stuff at one-fifth the original price! But I much rather go in, see some nice looking things with the proper marked and fixed price, and buy it...period. No point haggling...but imagine when the shopkeeper himself or herself asks you to bargain!!! That was a first at Bali. Secondly, the taxi's.

In Singapore, and even the rest of the my hail a cab. But in Bali...the cab finds you. Almost everywhere you go..there will be a cab driver asking you to take his cab. Its quite an experience..haha.

Another something new - having people on the road not just smile at you but even attempt an entire conversation..without any commercial reason..especially if you're an Indian and a Hindu at that.

Almost 90% of the Balinese are Hindu and almost all of them are Bollywood fans. So if you're Indian they go shouting names of famous Bollywood flicks in your face and if you're hindu..further reason to the begining..I was a bit apprehensive of everyone who's an anyone approach me or my family on the street..but later you kinda get used to it. Balinese are quite a homely, laid back bunch from what I gather and are rather hospitable.

Just in any other trip abroad...I miss my mom's home-cooked, Indian room and my bathroom..haha...honestly..I find that around Asia..including India..the concept of sanitation is rather poor..I was most delighted on finding a decent bathroom in Bali:P

PS- I'm glad that some people browse through my writings..and Nihi..Shall call you soon ya..hope ur exams are going well:).

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sweet Valentine
Ya well...its another..14th February..Valentine's Day...and goodness even the school staff room hasn't been spared by those ubiquitous, flaming red hearts!

I think these days are there just to get us out of the usual routine..and perhaps give people more reasons (or should I say days) to celebrate! But honestly..the more I grow as a person..the more these days become "stuff-in-the-passing"...even though I have some very sweet, even-till-now smile worthy and absolutely hilarious memories dating back to Mumbai....

Now Mumbai is the commercial capital of India and it knows how to make money...LOTS OF IT. Never missing the pulse on where the $$$ is fully aware of the financial charms of Valentines Day. Suddenly, the markets would come abuzz with those - red, RED hearts. Chocolate prices would soar and so would the price of ordinary roses..It was all very nice to see but for those dreamy-eyed couples who actually took the pains in celebrating it...well...

I heard many girls complaining about their boyfriends - "all he brings is a cheap bouquet of drying roses", "He can't even afford a decent box of chocolates", "He gave me a box of toffee's - I think I'm gonna break off"..ouch...So it all comes to the gifts and money..where the hell is the love..the sweet valentine...and boys..if you can't maintain yourself, don't have enough moolah..please don't squander what you have by having a high maintainance girlfriend whose only cares for the Tiffany heart! OKAY!...

Even though I laughed at the cheap-skate tales many girlfriends had to say about their "poor boyfriends" I don't think it made me feel very happy in retrospect...even the tales of ever-lasting love..."Oh my God..I finally got that Tiffany heart..he spent his entire allowance on it"
I happy can you get if somebody wastes off their allowance in bringing you that exhorbitantly priced piece of jewellry...sometimes even scrounging on themselves..It would really break my heart if that would happen to a beloved...

Sigmuend Frued, the father of Psychology, once said "Hopeless romantics are only hopeless in the eyes of those who don't believe in romance". Being an ex-psychology student, I am all ears to the words of Mr Frued..but I can't possibly swallow everything, every great one has to say. I'm not, not romantic...I love novels like Anna Karenina, Pride & Prejudice, Mill on the Floss..and they all have more than a tinge of romance...I like movies like that too...and even music..I'm a chocaholic (and its more than obvious on me)..and ya...all such things...but hopeless in romance.. thats what I'm not...and thats what I would never vouch for...Love's enduring promise is not in languishing yourself for it...but much rather is raising yourself with it...Not in making it an impediment...but much rather in making it a strength...period.

And so....with that I'll be signing off...don't worry about my Valentines Day..haha...I always have a valentine in my parents who would never get broke in buying me Tiffany's...chocolates, flowers..and I don't even have to worry about their love :P.. Thanks to their love..I'm where I am..and its a pretty neat place to be in...You look over the entire Orchard road..hahahaha..(I wouldn't want to sound immodest and comment on other stuff)

Tuddles...Happy Valentines Day and since I'll be away for holiday..Gongxi Fa Cai (as well) all my Chinese friends and Eva (coz she is German+Chindian)!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A world with borders
How much ever we argue that the onset of the new-media age and the world wide web has blurred boundaries, making the world a borderless place...instances from real life, outside of all the digitisation tell me another story...A story of growing mistrust, power prowl and environmental damage.
Well...actually environmental damage is another, more grave issue.
But mistrust and power prowl - a definitive YES! With the emerging economies of China and India, the world seems to be facing a shift in the power game. In the coming decade, the west especially America faces a very definite economic threat from the power of the Yuan and Uncle Sam doesn't seem too happy about it. China was never trusted, but now...if you've been reading the papers has come into further scrunity from the Big A. Mistrust mars relationships...Ms Ang, my PR prof, cannot but elaborate endlessly the importance of trust, goodwill..cookie points. I honestly feel that diplomats, policy-makers, politicians...should all undergo a couple of lectures with her....
Power prowl...suddenly Kim Jong II wants more attention, more media light, more power...and so irrespective of all...he still had the nerve to push down all offers of compromise...some truly needed by his suffering, hungry subjects and pursue that blessed nuclear missile launch...tsk tsk...Thaksin got exiled and well the otherwise affable Mr serving as an excellent example of someone desperately, and should I add shamelessly, clinging onto that Downing street address..when SO MANY people are rooting for him to resign..honestly after supporting the Iraq war which was much opposed throughout the world and not just in Britain...and yes..backing the wrong horse...I don't think there is much that can salvage his situation...not even that maternity benefits scheme....
AND (I know this is a grammatical mistake) the midst of this dramedy..a group of well-meaning scientists have done the one right thing and informed the world about something that is above and beyond its petty concerns - the environment. Yes Folks...that Air Con that you switch on the entire night is creating more environmental damage than you can possibly imagine. While I don't have the memory to recall each and every point made by the wise men...a look at the curious weather conditions around the world is more than shocking...Cherry Blossoms blossoming months in advance, summery winters in China, Unusual cold and frost in Canada..hurricanes, floods and the like causing incessant damage...and being rather generous towards Indonesia...If you're a Harry Potter Fan...the conditions described just seem like Voldemort in action....nevertheless..on a serious note..I've done my bit and boycotted the AC completely at my place..a simple fan will do...really...
Empty words and lack of action...the two main failings of man...I don't wanna fall prey...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Out of the ordinary
Following the NASA Columbia Crash years back...a newspaper editorial carried the last words from the now-long-gone astronauts : "Inspiration lies in everyday life and everyday people".
At that moment I found that totally inspirational....but as I continued through life I found that the more I seek the more I find that everyday life isn't as inspiring..even on looking closely. Back in India, the streets are dusty and poverty endemic and practically everywhere I've been- be it India or here in Singapore - the people seem unhappy and discontent with themselves. Hurting other people, speaking ill of them, putting them down seems like the norm. So much so that it feels as though being nice involves a loss in status and bank-ruptcy. Why are we so fake I ask, why can't we move beyond the petty concerns surrounding ourselves and look at the larger picture for once.
There are life-issues to look out for, character flaws that can creep over and ruin you before you realise, topics of global concern to talk about, interests varied and fascinating to occupy yourself with...yet all that people usually come down to in usual chat sessions - shopping, clothes, shoes, make-up, boys, girls, love-interests...yada yada yada. Can't we take a break for once. Breathe easy, live and let live...all in peace?
Unfortunately, as I realise this is fact and what I desire is fiction...but can't for once...the fiction become fact, ordinary life become more fascinating?
I got a reply to this question from a close friend...she said.."inspiration is actually within you...u just need to get it stimulated - be it from ordinary life, classic literature, movies or anything else for that matter" Yes...I guess she's right...there is actually no particular source of inspiration....inspiration strikes in myriad ways...and when it strikes, its the moment that becomes out-of-the-ordinary.
Really...if you observe closely its not people, but their time that really is out-of-the-ordinary and in a moment the ordinary man can become extra-ordinary, placed in an epoche-worthy moment. Lincoln, had his in his 60's...before the timeless tale of perseverance and hope reads - he was ordinary and in fact less than ordinary with a spate of failures.....
I'm tired and eventhough school is an inch away from over, there are exams to contend with. So I bid adieu...hopefully inspiration strikes me in the sunny vacation at Bali awaiting me just after exams...a perfect I hear..for the restless mind and the tired body.