Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A world with borders
How much ever we argue that the onset of the new-media age and the world wide web has blurred boundaries, making the world a borderless place...instances from real life, outside of all the digitisation tell me another story...A story of growing mistrust, power prowl and environmental damage.
Well...actually environmental damage is another, more grave issue.
But mistrust and power prowl - a definitive YES! With the emerging economies of China and India, the world seems to be facing a shift in the power game. In the coming decade, the west especially America faces a very definite economic threat from the power of the Yuan and Uncle Sam doesn't seem too happy about it. China was never trusted, but now...if you've been reading the papers has come into further scrunity from the Big A. Mistrust mars relationships...Ms Ang, my PR prof, cannot but elaborate endlessly the importance of trust, goodwill..cookie points. I honestly feel that diplomats, policy-makers, politicians...should all undergo a couple of lectures with her....
Power prowl...suddenly Kim Jong II wants more attention, more media light, more power...and so irrespective of all...he still had the nerve to push down all offers of compromise...some truly needed by his suffering, hungry subjects and pursue that blessed nuclear missile launch...tsk tsk...Thaksin got exiled and well the otherwise affable Mr serving as an excellent example of someone desperately, and should I add shamelessly, clinging onto that Downing street address..when SO MANY people are rooting for him to resign..honestly after supporting the Iraq war which was much opposed throughout the world and not just in Britain...and yes..backing the wrong horse...I don't think there is much that can salvage his situation...not even that maternity benefits scheme....
AND (I know this is a grammatical mistake) the midst of this dramedy..a group of well-meaning scientists have done the one right thing and informed the world about something that is above and beyond its petty concerns - the environment. Yes Folks...that Air Con that you switch on the entire night is creating more environmental damage than you can possibly imagine. While I don't have the memory to recall each and every point made by the wise men...a look at the curious weather conditions around the world is more than shocking...Cherry Blossoms blossoming months in advance, summery winters in China, Unusual cold and frost in Canada..hurricanes, floods and the like causing incessant damage...and being rather generous towards Indonesia...If you're a Harry Potter Fan...the conditions described just seem like Voldemort in action....nevertheless..on a serious note..I've done my bit and boycotted the AC completely at my place..a simple fan will do...really...
Empty words and lack of action...the two main failings of man...I don't wanna fall prey...


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