Love comes in all shapes, sizes and forms
This is not a romantic post...I guarantee. Much rather it is about something deeper that I felt as I was reading the newspaper (of all things) recently.
Yes, love is blind and you can love anyone. It needn't be the very cliche boy-girl relationship. It can be love for your parents, siblings, family, friends, peers...anybody who tugs at your heart whether gently or violently.
There is also self love, about which I've spoken previously.
But then there is spiritual love. Love for the maker, the almighty. Call it love, devotion, prayer..anything at all. I remember a story I read many years back, titled "Where Love is, God is".
True. Very.
In all my experience, trusting god with the tiniest of your concerns is so relieving. Everyday after work, I write a short diary and in that I vent all my concerns and experiences from the day and ask that someone up there to take care of them and miraculously I find my problems sorted in some wierd, unfathomable way. Perhaps, it's just me. But the point to be noted is that my concerns get answered.
There is another love which we really need to develop in this day and age - love for the planet. The earth that feeds us.
Most people, in their daily grind, forget the value of the earth. I guess that living in Singapore, away from the immediate impact of global warming we can afford to cut ourselves some slack and be ignorant. However, if we continue doing this, our planet would perish before our very eyes and then no one and nothing can save us. In regard to this, I recollect a fantastic thought - "The earth has enough for man's need but not enough for his greed" and since every man is being greedy there isn't enough left for his need.
The last kind of love is the most dangerous and it's one that puts all the others at risk in some way or the other. Tragic as it is, this love is also the most commonly found - love for power, for position and for monetary comforts.
It's a love that causes people to suffer limitless ambition that swallows their soul. It makes them lie, cheat, become sycophants and in extreme cases commit heinous crimes.
At this point, I'd like to terminate my weekend musings with this simple thought by Martin Luther King: "When the power of love overtakes the love for power this world would become a better place."
Amen to the great Mr King and adios to the readers, if any!