Forgiving yourself
Forgiveness, in the true sense, is a little hard. Be it forgiving others or forgiving yourself. I find myself grappling with the latter, rather frequently. Given my woefully naive nature at times, I say things and behave in a manner that is best kept private. The most common instance being - letting the tears out. Most of the time I'm a happy person, but there are times when I feel sad, upset, melancholy, depressed, disillusioned and what have you. Most people would probably shut up the tears for a more private audience, but I can't seem to do that. I cry and feel weepy and later feel like kicking myself for it. Why can't I be a little more dispassionate and unattached? Where most folks, stuck up in the ho-hum of their lives would forget or ignore, I tend to dwell and think endlessly about stuff...I think I need to do some growing up and real quick, to tackle this more or less self-centred, sadistic, corporate world. Other than that, I need to forgive the extra inches but not forget and go on a much needed diet (for a lifetime) - indulgence be warned. Let me emulate the Mahatma's simplistic living with (hopefully) more success than the last time.