Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Buddha said:
"Desire is the root of all suffering"
All through our lives we desire something...there seems no end to our whims, no stopper to our horizon to our desires...the realisation never really seeps in and either we feel singed when our aspirations break into a thousand pieces or feel unnaturally happy, when they come true through the unfathomable route called destiny...(yeah well...I can see the "face-your-destiny" jokes) Yet...the journey seems to continue and the aim just gets higher....and each time we fail it's more painful than the this woman who lost her 3rd child in a row, like the student who missed honours by a point, like the girl whose heart is always torn by failing relationships, like the rich miser always wanting more money, like the incomplete man who doesn't seem to understand, what will complete him....

It's a divine truth and most truth generally is...and it's much harder to practise than preach. So I shall not...because I guess as ordinary human beings we could possibly not even live without having a dream and a bag full of desires for ourselves. But 20 years have taught me that whenever I desire something, it usually doesn't come true or if it does it does not take the shape I would normally want it to take...not that I'm not happy..but if I go by the desire scale...I am perhaps not as happy as I could be...

But in the process of seeking what I really want out of my life..I realised one thing...the best way to overcome desire is to look at what you already have..the blue bird in your own backyard..rather than always looking outside for your source of happiness...always counting on things and people for happiness. Because such happiness is ephemeral..even if it comes to you..People are fickle..usually...even if they aren't..there are many who just die out (not literally ofcourse) but who flicker out like a fire fly..there is no sustainance there..and probably thats how it was meant to be..because if something or someone was REALLY TRULY worth pursuing..your heart would make you pursue...but no..usually such instances are rare..and those that aren't rare...well..lets just make the exit shall we??

Life is precious...but precious as it is..even a diamond can cut where it hurts the most..dreaming makes life lovable..but sometimes dreams hurt...people leave and things go awry...they desert you...bequeathing only tears and a sense of loss (which is pathetic)..I guess the only way out is to love what you have rather than seeking what your could have. Even an economist would tell you to treasure reliable investments.

Thats to my 2 cents helped me relieve some unsettling thoughts...and even though I can't yet figure what exactly I want from my life..I can say that for the most I know what will make the journey to that discovery a bit more happier..

PS: Fumbs and WN..I told you that I would blog about our dinner-time adventure around Bukit Timah..but I couldn't really blog about that...guess I got too many things to write and what's private to my life, should I guess, remain that way :) Had loads of fun too!


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