Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Reading is Advisable
I know I'm being most AUNTY, saying this...but really YOU MUST AND SHOULD READ. I'm forced to be this blunt because recently I came across a group of Kids who HATE READING! My, I could not believe them...ranting about books. Blasphemous to person like me whose life, you can say, depends on reading.

You know, for a person who decided to pursue a literature course at university-I started reading VERY LATE...around my 5th or 6th grade..which is somewhere during my secondary days. Was mostly restrained to magazines and comics before. But once I started, I can say in a very fantastical way, I found this whole new peace when reading.

My mind felt calm (No I was not reading any religious book, just your regular novels). Somehow, it felt good going over solid words about life. More credible, besides, not that I'm a nosy poker...but we all enjoy knowing someone else's views on various things in life. I could carry around my novel anywhere...and loose myself in its pages when I wished to disengage with things in my surroundings. Trust me it works. A good novel will keep you away from looking and paying attention to stuff you don't wish to attend to.

Besides, I often find myself more intesely involved and receptive when reading patiently rather than watching TV or reading material over the net.

Its really something different. Movies and TV programmes are no longer made on many subjects that books cover. I understand all that Jazz about "paper wastage" but really then...why don't you simply cut down on using notebooks (the paper ones sweetheart..not those stupid Macs) and use the computer to store your writings (if you do write) and other stuff? Bill Gates produced the best WORD ever (get the pun). Or better still, lets not have books for buying...simply produce copies for all of the world's libraries! Great! Ain't it. The author's can still make money because fortunately there are millions of libraries around the world, and yes! people will finally step into them. I had a friend..who first VENTURED into the library in the 9th grade...WOW...said that FAT books and endless rows of such one's at that...REALLY INTIMIDATED HIM! So you see its an advantageous proposition both ways.

I could really go on...about people who lived in the days of yore..with little but novels for entertainment..but I don't wish to bore you..nor do i find the energy to continue typing after a long session of morning swimming which took a truckload of my energy and more so my will.

So I'll end with a doctor-like prescription..Reading books is advisable. Go slowly..if you're a starter. Take the thinner, abridged version, but READ. Story books are the BEST..short stories, novels, whatever and yes...if you need any recommendations you can always ask ME! One last thing- keep the book a good distance away from your eyes...otherwise you'll be needing specs like me..hahaha.

By the way...for all book lovers..last Wednesday I believe was ROALD DAHL day...the sweet looking man behind much loved novels like Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate factory...(a BIG LIST)..Really, if I got transported back in time and somehow got an oppurtunity..I would LOVE to date him..we would probably have the best, most stimulating conversation filled with most interesting nitty gritty of his much more than ordinary life...:)


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