Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I was going through an old scrap book of thoughts that I cut out from magazines, newspapers and what not.

Went down for a walk, to Orchard road- a glitzy market place near my residence. Again I saw all these lovey-dovey couples and near the cinema house-posters for romantic movies, a stroll into the CD shop and the latest CD's were all full of romantic songs..
Really...Our life is FULL of Love..even if we're single!

Cheesy, as it all may sound...its hard to imagine life without all this. Take me for example, even if I remain single for the rest of my life...fed up of all this romantic BS (Bull Shit) , I'd still prefer watching soft romantic movies, reading soft romantic novels, listening to soft romantic music and watching soft romantic TV programmes to most other entertainment avenues.

But truth be told, loving is the essence of human nature. If you don't have a semblance of love, you are no longer human. For which person in the whole wide world doesn't wish to love and be loved by others? Nay..I don't know ANYBODY like that. Just that people have their own ways of defining it. Some people restrict love to the very obvious BF/GF romantic love. But love, in all reality is over and beyond that. It comprises all that touches your heart..the depths of your soul.
Your love for your parents, your siblings, your close friends, your accomplishments, what you wish to make of yourself and your life: it encompasses all this and much more.

As a literature student, I had come across a term: romantic literature in my coursebook. I thought we would be studying my favourite-romantic novels! However, if you ever study English Literature-Romantic literature comprises classic poems and stories by authors romanticizing nature.

"I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known", said Walt Disney. I'm sure that the rich, successful, fair looking man that he was, Disney must have known several enchanting women. But he loved Mickey mouse. No I'm not ridiculing the man, just trying to make the point that love is over and beyond the narrow minded approach many people have towards it.

More than the actual- I meet this amazing guy and we fall for each other- love is about- I meet with an experience that touches my heart and stays for a lifetime. In that, love comprises everything I fore mentioned, which makes you see all the good there is to life.

Even if things don't work it happens many-a-times, savour the experience and forget all else. For in love, as in life itself-you stumble very often. But every stumbling is yet again an experience.

Too long already? to conclude with Leo Tolstoy:
"All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love"...go a little...cry a lot...and understand that life at its best is a journey to becoming the person you were meant to become and its engine runs on the experience that is love.


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