Power hungry...
"When the love for power is overpowered by the power of love, the world would be a much better place"
-M. L. King
I feel that when Maslow was inventing his needs triangle, he forgot to put another of the basic human needs in the base of the pyramid- the need for power.
People are power hungry. period. We all crave for a position of power, where WE can dictate terms. True. SO TRUE and so sorrowful.
You think I'm a lunatic for declaring it sorrowful? Debate a bit. If you have recently been browsing the papers, you would realise that suddenly there is a virtual deluge of power hungry people. Prime ministers and presidents of countries like Hungary, the UK, Thailand are adamantly sticking to their stupid posts despite all the opposition. Ok, maybe 10 Downing street is a fantastic address, but really is it worth all the muck landing on your face from the hostility surrounding the situation, the hunger for everlasting power?
You may say that not being power hungry equates to not having any motivation....yes yes...I know ALL THAT. I even agree...but only to a particular point. Most people tend to jump over that thin red line. THATS SORROWFUL.
There are people who go against their principles. People who thwart morals and self respect. A certain Indian celebrity once confessed that in becoming the big shot actress she is today, she had compromised on some of the most important and vital things in her life. Worst of all, she had circumsized her character.
Thats one way people achieve power. But there are also people, who simply wish to appear powerful and in command by ALWAYS wanting to make themselves stand out..even in insignificant places like restuarants. People who are always TALKING LOUDLY, virtually screaming, throwing their weight around. People who go BLING and dress in the most gaudy colours. Wear the most outrageous, shocking pink and putrific purple outfits. Really such people PUT ME OFF. I'm a staid person. agreed. But really even I can make out when something is like so totally OFF. Sadly such people and incidents ABOUND.
Many powerful people are such B******s and B****es. Who cheat on their dutiful wives and abiding husbands. These are the people, so consumed with the need that they have sold their souls to it and have luckily been successful. Its like an addiction. I've seen many people languish their lives pursuing it. SAD.
I for one don't like to strive TOO hard for anything. Chasing things has become an ANTI to me. Power is among those many things that I don't really care for. Blame my background, blame the easy life I've had on the whole, blame WHATEVER. But really I much rather have things smooth. Like they are. I would do just what I can, comfortably and leave the rest to FLOW in. Thats what I think is best. Fatalistic. Yes. But not to me.
Really, I see that seeking power, money and the like has often caused more damage than anything else. You saw what happened to Thaksin...got kicked out. The best example ever would be HITLER. He sought power like no one else..and instead of raising Germany, he downgraded it to a graveyard for millions. Need I say more. Peace be unto you.
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