Daily Inspiration
I'm inspired by the acts of great people...M.K. Gandhi, M.L.King, A. Lincoln, W. Churchill etc etc.
This was what came out when a beauty pageant contestant was asked: Whats your inspiration? But to be honest, I don't think the girl knew much about these great personalities or the depth of their achievements. No, I'm not panning beauty pageant contestants just admitting a fact which applies perhaps to all of us.
How can one be inspired by acts so seperated from our being, not just temporaly but even in essence. The times have changed and so has man. period. At best, we can try to emulate atleast in part some of their skills. But for inspiration, we need to look closer to home.
How much ever we criticize our peers or complain about them, there is always something in them which we can learn from and in that something lies our DAILY INSPIRATION. Sadly people are so caught up in their own woes that this daily dose for the soul is often missed. But just a try and you can sense the very many advantages there are to seeing, if only for the once, the good in others. This positive stance, keeps you receptive to healthy and often heartening developments which can serve as inspiration during the weakest of moments.
There was time when I got caught up in the Mumbai rains. The flooding was immense and to reach my house I had to wade through knee deep water, the sight of which made me freeze. You see Mumbai is 1. a dirty place and 2. you never know when you might encounter a open manhole. I was about to give up hope when I saw this lady with a baby wade through.....that was it...I got my inspiration and well...followed suit.
Next, fast forward to Singapore. I'm doing this Mass comm course. People say that mass commers are a proud, vain, bitchy lot who consider themselves above everyone else. But what I encountered was a group of mass commers who willing went bald for a good cause...I wouldn't dream of doing that...kudos to them...and well...inspiration to moi.
Space constraints limit the very many examples I have to offer, but what is evident from the nature of such instances is that inspiration lies in the smallest of things, but it is upto the person whether he or she wishes to take it or ignore it.
All I can offer is food for thought: next time you find yourself in a situation, try seeing the inspiration rather than the inadequacy, you may find yourself happier and more fulfilled.
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