Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life etc
SO my life's been thrust into a familiar situation of uncertainty, trial and tribulation (hopefully not the latter bit) yet again. The road that seemed to be isn't open any longer. At least that's what a tiny voice inside of me says..although the options are always available. But somehow I yearn to take up the unfamiliar, more risky option. Call it sheer madness but that's what I've chosen and I'm trying to become a sort of a smooth operator with it.
Details later...
In others, doing up my childhood album was a cathartic exercise. I never realised just how far I've the far behind I was. I think, growing up, mostly in Delhi I never really got an opportunity to know me. I was an incomplete person..somehow..I can feel the chasm..just beneath the surface of the still photographs that have accumulated an air of abandonment in the over-two decades of my life. They portray a person whom I left so far behind that even if I want/need, I can't touch her. Good thing is that I don't want to..I no longer wish to travel with the baggage of the past that sags my shoulders, clouds my mind and slows my pace. "Only what counts, counts"
I literally and analogically only want to/wish to carry forward the essential learnings. No point growing up to be just the way I always was. There are some things good and some plain ugly about the process. It makes sense to accept the ugly, work to make it better and try and retain the good while striving to make oneself better.


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