Peace on the earth and the heavens above

Friday, May 09, 2008

Warning: Random, philosophical stuff
There is only one universal truth about ambition - doing things that ultimately make you happy. It's always wise when setting goals for ourselves, we should leave some place to decide whether our actions will leave us happier.
Sometimes inhibitions can come in the way, sometimes our actions especially those on impulse seem ridiculous and oh-so-stupid, sometimes we are left thinking why we did what we did. But if in the depths of our soul we feel happy about the outcome, then be it. Let others think what they have to.
But if doing something left you with deep regret, although you started out with hope and some blind faith - then quit. The stuff/person/incident was never worth your while. Much as we would like it, the world is never quite a bed of roses and how much ever pretty the roses may appear, they still have thorns underneath. Look for the rainbows instead. They may appear far, may seem like an illusion but may end up being the real deal.
I always have this feeling of walking on a path pre-determined for me, so I walk on, taking everything in my stride and for the skeptics - it has always bettered me in some way or another. Amen.


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