Small rumblings
"Change is the only constant" much ever I hear that, witness that and experience that...I still seem to grumble and have problems with change...and it ceases to leave me...
Take for instance..."back-to-school" routines....since time immemorial I have hated that feeling...of going back to school after leisurely holidays. It always signals you get back...and even though its the same people...things are time-tables, new classmates, new teachers..people looking different...what with wieght loss, new haircuts yadda yadda....and this is the way it has been..ever since I walked into school...regimentation suffocates me...I can no longer do as I please..sleep & eat whatever and whenever I the latest novel that caught my attention from begining to end just as I please, sit down for some music practise, newspaper reading, it seems..takes over my life...and I start craving for that freedom...
I remember wanting to be like Hugh Grant in "About a boy" ma thinks that thats like having the ambition to become a wastrel...You know...sometimes for all that self-righteousness, uptightness, seeming seriousness and ambition..I just want to be foot loose and fancy free. Ya well...dream on...I know that this is just a temporary phase..or lets just say the repurcussion of sensing impending change.. goes on...and the waves of change keep hitting home...but the beach is long, the scenes surreal in their totality and well the walk...thats walk on and I guess sometime or the other the horizon will reach us and the shores won't be so changeable any more...small rumblings not withstanding ;)
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