Today I went for my first ever Christmas service (and no, I don't plan to convert, just went for the experience). It was a fairly good experience, there was the musical and philosophical musings by the pastor.
What I brought back home though was a certain thought by the pastor - forgiving yourself, not being too hard on yourself and not stressing till death over small mistakes. How often is it that you think, "I wish it would not have been this way", "I wish I could have done better", "I've been such a fool"...dah dah dah.
But as even Dumbledore says in Harry Potter, all learning (true learning) comes from accepting your mistakes. Only then will you have the courage to understand them and therein find solutions for yourself and your life.
Not that I didn't know about this from the start, but rather the pastor's words reinstated what I believe. So yes, my NY2008 resolution starts with: Not thinking too much about things and giving myself - a break! (As always)
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all!
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