Introductions are never easy..especially for a person like moi, who can WRITE 19 to a dozen on ANYTHING..almost..hehe
But I'd still try and summarize my being in 10 points
#1: Techno cave learning to be techno mod
#2: But will still remain a novice..hehe
#3: Sensitive sentimentalist (you can expect some soapy stuff)
#4: Lover of literature and philosophy
#5: Passionate about music and painting
#6: Always brain before brawn
#7: Committed to people, causes....basically committed
#8: Wierd..some people who have recently realised this..keep mentioning it.."Megha*2..." "ur wierd but the nicely wierd"..haha...
#9: Family>friends>others...
#10: Academically oriented, but still finds herself in the mixed world of Mass comm..haha...and hopefully doing well.
Thats for an intro. If you like what you see, hope to catch you soon....
PS: Nice comments PLEASE...I'm too sentimental to take taunts..if you hate me and wanna bitch till can die..keep it verbal..
With Love
Megha...a.k.a Meg/Megs
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